I've compiled the Top 20 Acronyms you need to know to stay up to speed in online parenting forums!

Have you ever found yourself seeking advice in a parenting blog or online forum, only to realize half of the message is lost in code?
During my pregnancy, I went desperately looking for community before the arrival of baby boy #1. Luckily, nowadays there are tons of forums, apps, and hashtags to follow with great information shared between expecting and experienced mothers. However, if you don't know the lingo, it's easy to fall behind in the conversation..
“If you are anything like me, you have found yourself toggling relentlessly between an interesting thread and Google, looking up acronyms such as TTC, FTM, and EBF.”
I cannot count the number of times I was emotionally invested in a juicy Mother in Law rant, only to realize I had lost some of the details due to an overabundance of internet jargon. These are not your average LOL's and ROFLMBO's. I mean Mommy-jargon. It's totally different, but also, totally necessary if you plan to sink your teeth into the juiciest of forums. In-law rants aside, say you find yourself looking for solace by reading Labor & Delivery stories, you will need to recognize the term as "L&D" instead because, ain't nobody got time to write the whole thing!
If you are anything like me, you have found yourself toggling relentlessly between an interesting thread and Google, looking up acronyms such as TTC, FTM, and EBF. I see you, I am you, so I know there is no better way to mess up the groove than leaving your place to lookup the meaning of a seemingly random, however useful, acronym.
I have compiled a list including 20 of the most common acronyms you will need to know to keep up in the internet "Mommysphere!"
FTM - First Time Mom
STM - Second Time Mom
EBF - Exclusively Breast Fed
EP - Exclusively Pumping
FF - Formula Feeding
PP - Postpartum
MIL - Mother In Law
LO - Little One
SO - Significant Other
DH - Dear Husband
CIO - "Cry It Out" Method
SAHM - Stay at Home Mom
WFHM - Work from Home Mom
EDD - Estimated Due Date
TTC- Trying to Conceive
MC - Miscarriage
MMC - Missed Miscarriage
IVF - In-Vitro Fertilization
HPT - Home Pregnancy Test
And finally, OT - Off Topic
There are still many, MANY more to add (perhaps I will compile a Part 2!)
Comment your favorite and most used acronyms below!
This is very helpful. I've seen some of these and was seriously struggling to figure out what they mean. Thanks!